Category: Uncategorized

A blog about two two middle-aged people on the loose!

A Game of Bridge Too Far

Another lazy day at sea beckoned. Being at sea is quite a ‘thing’. When most of our maritime experience is hopping between Dover and Calais, it’s difficult to grasp the sheer enormity of a space like the Indian Ocean. In this day and age, of course, one is rarely truly alone and pretty much all…
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November 18, 2019 0

Alive on the Ocean Wave

Predictably, the alarm for Pilates went off an hour too early, at about 6.45am! S stumbled out of bed, then stumbled across the room. “Argle”, she said. I was still trying not to wake up, but the crashing sounds continued as S seemed to be playing a game of human pinball around the cabin. “Grrgh”…
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November 17, 2019 1

Ashore in Sumatra

Lest I convey the message that life is unending hard work ( “ You’d damn well better not say that in your blog!”), we did have dinner last night in one of the luxury restaurants. The food and wine were excellent and an added bonus was that by the time we’d finished, it was too…
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November 16, 2019 0

Carry on Cruising

Leaving Singapore in the gloom of a tropical storm the previous evening (The first rain we’d actually seen since leaving the UK!), our parting impression was of the colossal size of the docks at Singapore and the literally hundreds of ships either loading or unloading, or moored in the bay awaiting their turn. How on…
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November 15, 2019 0

The Titanic Two

Tuesday morning was exciting; it was time to join the cruise ship! This is a big new ‘thing’, with neither of us having cruised before and not at all sure what to expect. The original plan had been to hang around at the hotel, using the pool and other facilities, until we were forcibly removed…
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November 14, 2019 1

Mad Dogs and Englishmen

The temperature was in the low 30’s but the BBC weather App advised that it felt like 42 degrees; it certainly did. The humidity was at 66% and precipitation was highly likely – it seemed like the ideal day to go for an 8 mile walk! Having spent many days in a car or just…
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November 13, 2019 0

On the far side of the world

Our hotel was located in one of the most ‘happening’ areas of the city, with loads of restaurants, bars and clubs right along the main riverside. However, with beer at over £10 for less than a pint, we decided on an early night! The next morning, stirred by thoughts of the old founders of the…
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November 13, 2019 1

A Tale of Two Cities

When we arrived at Delhi airport, we had 2hrs 20mins until our flight to Singapore departed. The queue at check-in was longer than ideal but not outrageous. It just wasn’t moving. It still wasn’t moving 20 mins later. It wasn’t for a lack of staff; there were about five folks at each desk – one…
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November 12, 2019 0

The Shadows of the Raj

Our last full day in India (for now) gave us the chance to see some of Delhi proper; not least because a combination of heavy overnight rain and action by the government to ban half of all cars on any one day, had cleared the air considerably, and there was actually some hazy blue sky…
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November 10, 2019 0

Completing the circle

The original plan was to leave the hotel at 5.45am to see sunrise over the Taj. However, both of us, the driver and the guide all thought this was a rubbish idea, not least because early morning mist was expected! So instead, we left at 7.00am to visit the ancient fort at Agra, one of…
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November 9, 2019 0