The Cornishes

A blog about two two middle-aged people on the loose!

Trending on Taj

We were sorry to leave chaotic Jaipur. As well as the sumptuous hotel, the vibrant lunacy outside (despite, it must be said, the appalling poverty) was some how infectious. In fact, as we left a little early, the traffic was calmer as we headed out on the five hour drive to Agra. The countryside was…
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November 8, 2019 1

Hight St, Jaipur

A relatively late start at 8.30am (!) as we set off for the hill fortress and city of Amber, visible on the mountains looming over the city. This meant taking on Jaipur’s morning rush hour… Total, utter pandemonium – I haven’t the words to describe the chaos. S, now feeling a little more at ease…
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November 6, 2019 0

The road to Jaipur

On the face of it, it’s much like any other. What we would call a dual carriageway, most of it (although by no means all) is fairly new and well surfaced. There are often crash barriers in the centre and the signage is good. But… Our driver cheerily told us that you only need three…
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November 5, 2019 2

A View That Might Kill!

We woke to a view from the hotel equivalent to the London Smogs of the last century. And from what they were saying on TV, just as toxic! That apart, our hotel was superb, although the prices were as eye-watering as the air outside. Taxes add nearly 40% to everything; one wouldn’t mind if there…
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November 4, 2019 1

The Passage to India.

Yesterday was a LONG day. We saw enough of the rugby and enough South Africans to know when to make our escape; the flight was boarding just as it got too painful to watch. The monsoon lashing Heathrow as we took off matched the mood; but we hoped it would prove to be more spectacular…
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November 3, 2019 1

D Minus 1 and minus D

The day before departure is the day I actually leave. Not because I want to get to the airport early or anything. It’s just that S has this cleaning routine before we go away. It starts before dawn with ‘ I just need to hoover a bit’ and by the end of the day, the…
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November 1, 2019 1

D Day – 4 A new world record!

OK – This is major news; we’re pretty much packed!! Devotees of our travels will know that our usual packing schedule means that S is still jumping up and down on her case as the aircraft starts to taxi to the runway…. but not this time! The many and complex calculations of which airline gives…
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October 29, 2019 1

England cock-up!

I mean, whoever would book any sort of holiday based upon the prospects of any England team, in any sport?? It’s true to say that when we booked this holiday many months ago, we hadn’t realised the significance of the departure date and time. And even when realisation dawned, well, who cared? The England rugby…
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October 28, 2019 0

A whole new story!

WELL! – to those of you used to us telling tales of our travels, this is about to be a whole new departure in every sense of the word! Whether we can actually use a professional blogging site to describe our upcoming adventures in India and the east is a question that we are about…
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October 27, 2019 12